
Jumping International de Bordeaux, a responsible event

Our organiser Bordeaux Events and More holds ISO20121 certification and, consistent with its strategic plan, we focus on 4 main issues.

We reduce the carbon footprint of our event :

  • Purchasing labelled products and services 
  • Bycicles available for use in the park 
  • Bio-waste collection and manure composting
  • Reduced energy consumption with LED lighting and a one-degree Celsius reduction in temperature
  • Dematerialization of the official program and parking and catering tickets
  • Installation of water fountains to avoid the use of plastic bottles 
  • Use of short distribution channels 


We guarantee the accessibility, diversity and parity of our event :

  • We pay close attention to gender parity when it comes to important speeches at our event, and take care to implement actions that promise diversity and inclusion
  • We ensure accessibility for the disabled  


We promote the transmission of industry knowledge :

  • A program of conferences to keep abreast of new developments in the industry, enhance knowledge and raise awareness of equine well-being among all stakeholders
  • 40 students from the Lycée de Blanquefort take on the role of track team during the Jumping International de Bordeaux, as part of their student project
  • 180 volunteers take part in Jumping International de Bordeaux, creating new vocations

We optimize the management of material resources :

  • 2 860 tonnes of sand stored on site and reused every year
  • Reusable artificial turf replaces carpet in areas where this is possible
  • Signs are kept and reused every year
  • Use of downgraded carpet (off-cuts from rolls) in stables
  • Collection of plans at the end of the show to encourage their reuse