The Baloubet arena and its competitions
The sports programme
As soon as you enter the Salon du Cheval, the Baloubet arena immerses you in the atmosphere of equestrian sport.
▪ Amateur show-jumping competitions
In partnership with the Comité Régional d’Equitation de Nouvelle Aquitaine (CRENA), the Baloubet arena hosted 4 Amateur show-jumping competitions on Thursday and Friday: the 10 best riders at the end of the Regional Circuit in Amateur 3, Amateur 2, Amateur 1 and Amateur Elite.
▪ Pony competitions
From Friday to Sunday, competitions reserved for pony riders aged under 18, with events ranging from Pony 2 (80 cm) to AS Pony 1 (1.20 m).
▪ Club 2 GP event by Jump’ethique
This new event will take place in the Baloubet arena. It is open to riders who are members of the Jump’Ethique association and will involve teams of 2 riders. Registration: Jump’ Ethique.
▪ Amateur competitions
The “Top ten regional Amateurs by CRENA” competitions feature a show jumping event reserved for the 10 couples who qualify at the end of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine regional circuit. Several levels: Amateur 3, Amateur 2, Amateur 1, Amateur 2 MAJOR and Amateur Elite.