
Accreditation press

Your accreditation request for the next edition of the Jumping International Bordeaux.

Submit your accreditation request for the upcoming edition of the Jumping International de Bordeaux by completing the form below.

We receive a large number of media requests for the Jumping International de Bordeaux, and the number of available spots is limited. Therefore, we must make a selection and unfortunately cannot approve all requests.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before filling out the accreditation form:

  • Accreditation requests are primarily reserved for the press: you must provide a press card or a letter from a recognized media outlet commissioning you for a report.
  • For photographer requests, only those from media photographers or official photographers will be accepted. Any requests from independent photographers without media affiliation, or from communication agencies and commercial brands, will be declined.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.


Edition 2025 completed
See you soon for the next edition!